Launch a SaaS product in style with Tiles.

Tiles saves you countless hours of design and development time.
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“Couldn’t live without it!”
Cameron S.

It’s as easy as this

Precise control – Tiles is built using modular components that are easy to customise.
Professional design – Save on expensive agency fees and hundreds of hours of design.
A trusted team – Medium Rare has created templates that power over 50,000 websites.
Angela Nguyen

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Bring your product to life.

Use Tiles’ eye-catching array of interface modules to build the perfect layout for your product. There are over 30 to choose from.
Tiles makes building a stylish website easy for everyone – SaaS Platforms, Technology Startups and more.
“Couldn’t be happier with the design and customer service from this team.”
Kim N.
Product Designer
4.95/5 from 500+ reviews

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Launch a SaaS showcase in style with Tiles. Launch a SaaS showcase in style with Tiles. Launch a SaaS showcase in style with Tiles.